Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Repeated Stories

With the conclusion of the summer term, I can report completing the first few classes of my 5 year grad school career.  This benchmark feels like it has been a long time coming, but in the larger scope of my learning, I realize there are miles to go before I sleep.  Still I'd like to stop here and reflect, especially because one of the classes under our collective belts in Biblical History, a survey of early experiences and geography in this region.  We shared lectures and field trips to see remains of the civilizations that ruled the Levant and traversed Mesopotamia in the centuries before the common era.  This historical material record of building foundations, tools, inscriptions, and materials of daily life we placed in the context of the biblical narrative.

If walls could talk, would they also read the Bible?
It is fun to visit the places where the Matriarchs and Patriarchs lived and the sites of great religious significance, but it can be challenging to establish the historicity of all bible stories.  Some of the historical relics that archaeologists have uncovered are inconsistent with the chronology of the text.  Such anachronisms pose a serious challenge to views that the Bible is a record of the history of the Hebrew people.  This makes me wonder whether as a teacher or faith leader it is more important to study history or the text.  Are these mutually exclusive fields? We lack evidence for some of the places and people but clearly many parts of the Bible are corroborated by the mention of places that existed, actual internal leaders and the leaders of neighboring kingdoms.

My previous entry is a work of imagination inspired by our journey to Tel Laqish, a stronghold of the Judean kingdom, where Assyrian forces under Sennacherib held an 8 month siege around 701 BCE.  This conquest is documented in the Laqish letters found on the Tel and by the victory stele found in the Palace of Sennacherib in Ninevah.  These detailed composite illustrations (now on display in the British museum, copies in the Israel Museum) document the ramps and engines used to break through the stone walls built atop the already soaring tel.  Walking the site today, you can still see the stones of the ramp as well as the remaining structures of the gate, palace, and temple from the Iron Age occupation.
Photo credit to Josh Gischner 
Laqish is found in the Bible - several times actually - with the siege being described in II Kings 18, Chronicles, and Isaiah.  This, then, is an example of the biblical narrative upheld by history. However, just as I created a piece inspired by this story, it is possible to evaluate the biblical sources in reference to an author with an intended message.  Such a reading pulls me in contrary directions, feeling both sacrilegious and realistic. However, I think wrestling with these questions is precisely the point, and I hope to continue parsing out meaning with colleagues and congregants to come.

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Also found at Ninevah

Atop the walls of Tel Laqish we stood
eight months straight, watching ramp's ascension
compiling stocks with heaps of rock and wood
slowly breaking disbelief suspension.
Siege engines promise imminent attack
Assyrians held off with tête-à-tête
weak of heart realize no going back
and searing pitch offers no welcome mat -
we held up our hands with white flag aloft
resigned, forced to bow our heads in defeat
and give up our spoils, dignity coifed -
humble pie crumbling beneath desert heat

  winds of glum surreality breezing
  relief from our walls silently easing

Friday, August 7, 2015

Memory for a blessing

First off, I was not present for the terrible incident on Thursday July 30th during which 6 individuals were attacked while voicing support for equality at the Jerusalem Pride Parade. I was not standing with my classmates and the other brave souls who let their voices be known and in doing so unwittingly faced the very malevolence they sought to combat.  I regret my absence, but no distance can shield one from the ripples of reaction that reverberate outwards from such tragedy. Thus, I am humbled by the rallies to action and words of support that have cavalcaded forth in the wake of this destruction.  My heart goes out to all those who experienced emotional turmoil during or following the attack, all of those injured, and most of all to the family of Shira Banki, who succumbed to the wounds she sustained last Sunday.
Photo credit: Josh Gischner

What is most sad for me is that such incidents are not rare.  For some residents of the Middle East, encounters with terror are a daily occurrence.  The important thing, then, must not to become tempered to these events; how then to preserve the daily functions and yet pay due heed to travesty?  What is difficult about this latest incident is that it was perpetrated by a religious Jewish man.  As a student of religion, how can I reconcile destructive behavior in the name of faith with an act so clearly in violation of our commandments? It would behoove my interests to say the perpetrator is not truly Jewish - or did not act Jewishly - giving in to hate and malice, committing murder, and attempting to silence voices of equality.  Yet, by taking his religious banner, this is on par with those who do not consider Reform Judaism a true expression of the faith.

Among the many reasons for my presence here is to confront and understand Israel in all her iterations.  That this should include the volatility and violence displayed last week is beyond the scope of learning for which I might have hoped.  Still, for better or worse, my observations also include the unity and resolutions that have resulted, the statements by leaders political and religious condemning such actions, and the integration of many communities in the pursuit of peace.  On the whole I am left with many questions, some of which I lack the means of expressing, but I am comforted that I have a community among my cohort to provide support and an avenue for exploration.

Averse to sand

"What's for desert?" - a question oft misheard
yet not unsweet decadence beheld
spices subtle, blooming flowers upon the tongue
lingering notes dip over palate horizon
take in, savor, and digest
not to rush nor clear your plate
take seconds with abandon
flavors ruminate, eyes engorge their fill
so ask your query
the answer lies ahead, save room